Sierra National Forest Road Trip | On The Road
Moving state to state was an experience that I wouldn't trade for the world. I know that it's an incredibly common experience...most people's norm...but I had never planned to leave the coast.
It's actually hard to process that we are already back in San Diego.
Our move out to Colorado was so impulsive & spontaneous compared to our decision to come back to California, and yet it seemed to come together & be done with just as abruptly.
I know a huge part of getting older is stopping and wondering where the last so-many years went, but I never could've imagined how quickly it all seems to have gone by. I definitely didn't miss any of it...and I'm proud of that. From the start of that move I knew that I needed to be present & enjoy every bit, because it was temporary...but now I realize that applies even more intensely to my "home-base"
It's easy to stop and smell the roses on a trip or vacation...but what am I actively doing to enjoy every single day?
I Always saw myself settling in one place. Traveling here & there, but always coming back to the same spot.
That doesn't seem like a given anymore.
This move away & back again wasn't just for a temporary change or a new perspective, it was an active push against the limitations I had put on myself.
"I'd never..."
For a long time it was "leave the coast" that I've broken that barrier down....who knows what's next.
I'm embracing the unknown.
I'm working to stop limiting stop building those walls.
Here are some highlights from our little road trip between homes.
No timeline. No destination.
Just us and our pups in our little camper.
