Boudoir Myth #02: Boudoir Can't Be Modest
Who's ever heard of conservative boudoir?!
Of the many myths I run into about what boudoir is and can be...this one might be stopping the most people for doing a session, because it encompasses the idea that you have to fit into some specific box or dress a certain kind of way. And it's just not true!

There is No Box
There are no guidelines to stay within, no boxes to check...your session is as unique as you are. Of course that applies to location and styling, but I'm also talking about about varying levels of exposure. Check out my blog post here if you feel hung up on the word "boudoir" or want to better understand how boudoir can be intimate and vulnerable without skin showing.
What Feels Modest to One...
When I think "modest" I am instantly reminded of the 2" above the knee skirt rule, and others, that I grew up with while attending private school. I have clear memories of my mom having to sew thick straps made from ribbon onto a strapless dress I wanted to wear for my 8th grade graduation and early on not being allowed to dress the same as my friends who hadn't developed as quickly as I.
Private school dress codes and modesty culture aside, as you grow up and into the world you quickly begin to understand that even what feels modest to one could feel wildly inappropriate (or simply uncomfortable) to another. So that's where I like to start...what are you comfortable in? You should feel like the most confident, stunning version of yourself during this session...and while one client might lean towards nothing more than nipple covers, another may want nothing less than a fully styled outfit...and they're both fine.
Privacy and Personal Preferences
I take your privacy very seriously. Whether you're in a full outfit or buck naked, I don't use or share any images of you unless you give strict permission by signing my model release. I'm so honored that you trust me to move through this experience with you and capture absolute magic, and I don't take lightly the responsibility that comes with that. Once we've done your Viewing + Ordering session and you've had time to download everything, all your images are deleted - typically after 3-6 months (unless you've signed a Model Release or are a part of my Model Call).
It doesn't matter if it is because of your profession or just personal preference, you never have to question if there are images out there without your permission, nor do you ever have to justify not signing a model release.
What would YOU wear??
0%Fully styled outfit
0%Casual and comfortable
0%Show a little skin
0%Sexy lingerie
You can vote for more than one answer.